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 1. Graham Holland  Come Strut Your Stuff - February 2007 - part 1  It's A Frog's Life Acoustic Podcast 
 2. Graham Holland  Come Strut Your Stuff - April 2007 - part 2  It's A Frog's Life Acoustic Podcast 
 3. Hosted by Graham Holland and Nick Payne, featuring Stan the Harper  Come Strut Your Stuff - March 2007 - part 1  The Egg Cafe 
 4. Hosted by Graham Holland and Nick Payne, featuring Stan the Harper  Come Strut Your Stuff - February 2008 - set 1  The Egg Cafe 
 5. Hosted by Graham Holland and Nick Payne, featuring Stan the Harper  Come Strut Your Stuff - February 2008 - set 3  The Egg Cafe 
 6. Hosted by Graham Holland and Nick Payne, featuring Stan the Harper  Come Strut Your Stuff - February 2008 - set 2  The Egg Cafe 
 7. Hosted by Graham Holland and Nick Payne, featuring Stan the Harper  Come Strut Your Stuff - May 2007 - set 3  The Egg Cafe 
 8. Hosted by Graham Holland and Nick Payne, featuring Stan the Harper  Come Strut Your Stuff - September 2006 - Part 3  The Egg Cafe 
 9. Hosted by Graham Holland and Nick Payne, featuring Stan the Harper  Come Strut Your Stuff - September 2006 - Part 2  The Egg Cafe 
 10. Hosted by Graham Holland and Nick Payne, featuring Stan the Harper  Come Strut Your Stuff - June 2006 - Part 2  The Egg Cafe 
 11. Hosted by Graham Holland and Nick Payne, featuring Stan the Harper  Come Strut Your Stuff - August 2006 - Part 2  The Egg Cafe 
 12. Hosted by Graham Holland and Nick Payne, featuring Stan the Harper  Come Strut Your Stuff - March 2006 - Part 3  The Egg Cafe 
 13. Hosted by Graham Holland and Nick Payne, featuring Stan the Harper  Come Strut Your Stuff - August 2006 - Part 1  The Egg Cafe 
 14. Hosted by Graham Holland and Nick Payne, featuring Stan the Harper  Come Strut Your Stuff - August 2006 - part 3  The Egg Cafe 
 15. Hosted by Graham Holland and Nick Payne - featuring Stan the Harper  Come Strut Your Stuff - April 2006 - part 3  The Egg Café 
 16. Hosted by Graham Holland and Nick Payne - featuring Stan the Harper  Come Strut Your Stuff - April 2006 - Part 2  The Egg Café 
 17. Hosted by Graham Holland and Nick Payne, featuring Stan the Harper  Come Strut Your Stuff - March 2006 - part 1  The Egg Cafe 
 18. Come Strut Your Stuff - October 2006 - part 3  Come Strut Your Stuff - October 2006 - Part 3  Hosted by Nick Payne, featuring Stan the Harper 
 19. Hosted by Graham Holland and Nick Payne, featuring Stan the Harper  Come Strut Your Stuff - March 2006 - Part 2  The Egg Cafe 
 20. Hosted by Graham Holland and Nick Payne, featuring Stan the Harper  Come Strut Your Stuff - December 2006 - part 3  The Egg Cafe 
 21. Hosted by Graham Holland and Nick Payne. featuring Stan the Harper  Come Strut Your Stuff - June 2006 - Part 3  The Egg Cafe 
 22. Hosted by Graham Holland and Nick Payne, featuring Stan the Harper  Come Strut Your Stuff - January 2008 part 1  The Egg Cafe 
 23. Come Strut Your Stuff - October 2006 - part 2  Come Strut Your Stuff - October 2006 - Part 2  Hosted by Nick Payne, featuring Stan the Harper 
 24. Hosted by Graham Holland and Nick Payne, featuring Stan the Harper  Come Strut Your Stuff - September 2006 - Part 1  The Egg Cafe 
 25. Come Strut Your Stuff - October 2006 - Part 1  Come Strut Your Stuff - October 2006 - Part 1  Hosted by Nick Payne, featuring Stan the Harper 
 26. Mark Harrell  Strut Your Stuff  clips 
 27. Hosted by Graham Holland and Nick Payne, featuring Stan the Harper  Come Strut Your Stuff - January 2008 set 2  The Egg Cafe 
 28. Hosted by Graham Holland and Nick Payne, featuring Stan the Harper  Come Strut Your Stuff - July 2006 - Set 3  The Egg Cafe 
 29. Hosted by Graham Holland and Nick Payne, featuring Stan the Harper  Come Strut Your Stuff - March 2008 - set 3  The Egg Cafe 
 30. Graham Holland and Nick Payne, featuring Stan the Harper  Come Strut Your Stuff - April 2008 - Set 1  Live from Liverpool's Egg Cafe 
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